About our lab

Our overall research goal is to understand the spatio-temporal processes that affect the distribution and abundance of wildlife species. We are specifically interested in how animals alter their habitat selection and movement paths in response to heterogeneity in resources and risk. Our research covers a range of spatial and temporal scales but is primarily focused on how large, mammalian herbivores and small carnivores respond to changing landscapes. This research is critical for the management of natural resources because it provides tools that can be used to predict how animal populations will respond (spatially and numerically) to changes in climate and human land use.

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James D. Forester, Associate Professor 
Institute on the Environment —  Fellow 
Dept. Fisheries, Wildlife, and Cons. Biology 
University of Minnesota 
2003 Upper Buford Circle, Suite 135 
St. Paul, MN 55108 USA 
PH: 612-626-6721 
email: jdforest (at) umn.edu

Forester Lab